Monday, July 13, 2009

Lack Luster Performance at Lifetime

I've had better races than Saturday, that's for sure. But I'm no way disappointed with a nearly two minute improvement over last year. However, I am wondering what went wrong. If I run as well I as I was hoping I should have come in about 11th at 2:02. Teammates Matt Payne and Patrick Parich did not disappoint with outstanding races and 7th and 8th place finishes.

I don't know exactly why I had an off day but I have an idea that it wasn't just one thing. It started with an unexpected wake up call at 4 am when my fiances alarm woke me up. God bless her heart she is doing her medical rotations and had been up for nearly two days straight on three hours of sleep and forgot to turn off her alarm. I have been there and don't blame her. When you are that tired your mind isn't right. I guess it was just fate for me not to do well from the begging. I also believe that I didn't fully recover from my 70 mile bike ride last Friday and 17 mile run last Saturday. I don't believe I carbed up enough or got enough fluids in me on Friday as well. The equation added up to a less than peak performance. During the race I made the mistake of staying behind the pack in the swim and trying to pick up the scraps. I was afraid I would get thrashed again like at Waconia and wanted to work into the swim. I ended up with a Dallas like swim instead of battling like I did at Waconia and ending up in front of the field. I guess the if I am going to have a bad race I would prefer it to be this one as I had tenth place to look forward to at best and would rather take 26th now than 2nd in a race I could win. The good part is there was a lot to learn from this race. I also screwed around with my seat Friday and moved it up a little. Result was I wore out my hip flexors and quads and ran like crap. I won't change what is working again the day before the race.

Next up is Waseca. It is the first year for this odd distance 1/3 Ironman race and should play to my strengths of cycling and running. The Brewhouse is going on the same day and will draw a lot of the big dogs so I may have a chance at my first victory. I will be sure to employ a lot of the learning points from this race.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve:
    I was at the race and heard the announcers talking about you and your recent performances. That's pretty cool. Sorry you didn't have the race you were hoping for...but you are getting noticed. Good luck on your upcoming races. And congratulations on your engagment. Glad to hear things are going well in your world.
    Katie Maher
